
Load ProcessInjection |

The PInject command in Amnesiac is used to load the ProcessInjection tool, which was designed for process injection. Process injection is a technique used to hide the execution of malware code within the address space of a legitimate process.

To load the ProcessInjection module, simply type PInject in your active Amnesiac session.

This module provides you with the capability to specify two critical parameters:

  1. Target Process: specify the target process into which you want to inject your shellcode.

  2. Shellcode: the shellcode you want to inject into the target process in hexadecimal format.

To generate the shellcode, you have a couple of options:

  • Use the ShellGen command provided in Amnesiac. Simply follow it with the command you want to execute on the target via process injection. ShellGen will then convert that command into shellcode, which you can subsequently use with the PInject command for injection.

  • Alternatively, you can use the msfvenom tool from the Metasploit Framework to generate your shellcode with specific payloads and configurations.

The combination of PInject and ShellGen allows you to perform execution of arbitrary code within a running process.

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