Scripts Loading

The "Script Loading Commands" section in Amnesiac provides users with the capability to load various scripts and tools onto target systems. These scripts and tools are instrumental in performing advanced exploitation and enumeration activities during penetration testing or red teaming engagements.

However, it's important to note that some of these scripts may trigger security measures, such as AMSI (Antimalware Scan Interface), potentially blocking their execution.

In cases where AMSI interferes with the execution of these scripts, Amnesiac provides two commands for patching AMSI: Patch and PatchNet

List of Available Tools

Here is a list of tools that can be downloaded and loaded onto target systems using the Script Loading Commands. For each tool, we provide placeholders for additional information that you can fill in:

  1. Mimi

  2. PInject

  3. PowerView

  4. Rubeus

Last updated