
Validate Domain Credentials |

The CredValidate command in Amnesiac provides a way to validate domain credentials.

To use the CredValidate module, simply type CredValidate in the Amnesiac console. This will also display the available usage options.

Users can validate domain credentials by providing the following information:

  • Username: The username associated with the credentials you want to validate.

  • Domain: The domain in which the user account resides.

  • Password: The password to be validated.

When these information is provided, Amnesiac will attempt to validate them against the domain. If the provided credentials are correct, the validation will succeed.

An additional feature of the CredValidate command is the ability to check for accounts with empty passwords. Users can do this by providing only the username and domain, without specifying a password.

Important Note:

It's essential to be cautious when using the CredValidate command, as incorrect validation attempts will increase the "Bad Pwd Count" for the user accounts you are trying to validate. This means that repeated failed validation attempts can potentially lock out user accounts.

Last updated